The Bay Area Council Economic Institute held its 9th Annual Economic Forecast, hosted by Accenture and presented by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, on January 15th, 2016. Dr. John Williams, President of the San Francisco Fed, shared his insights regarding the future of the economy. He emphasized the current good stance of the economy, while pointing out the positive effects of the recent interest rate increase, which is expected to be followed by gradual increases over the next three years.
Dr. Williams was later joined in a panel discussion by Tracey Grose, Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors, California State Controller’s Office; Dr. Jerry Nickelsburg, Senior Economist at the UCLA Anderson Forecast; and Micah Weinberg, President of the Bay Area Council Economic Institute. The panelists discussed the potential risks to the economy as it continues to expand.
Materials used by the conference speakers can be found below.
Dr. Jerry Nickelsburg – Powerpoint Presentation
Tracey Grose – Powerpoint Presentation