Technology powers the Bay Area’s economy, changing industries and producing world-leading companies and products that are changing lives and businesses across the world.
Much of this growth can be traced to the region’s world-class scientific research facilities, including public and private universities, federal research laboratories, and non-profit and corporate laboratories. The vitality of this research enterprise is impacted by the regional, state and national policies and environments that support science and innovation. BASIC is the Bay Area’s leading voice on these issues.
BASIC’s March 2019 report examines the scientific roots of the Bay Area’s innovation system and the contribution of public investment to the research on which much of the region’s technological success has been built. It provides data and analysis on how the ecosystem has evolved, discusses the roles of industry, federal, and state funding, and examines how research generated with public support has broad impacts on the economy.
BASIC is the science and technology affiliate of the Bay Area Council and the Bay Area Council Economic Institute.
A collaboration of major organizations in the Bay Area’s scientific research community, it brings together leaders from the region’s university, national laboratory and business communities to facilitate collaboration and address key issues and opportunities impacting the region’s research base and its ability to support technology-led growth.
BASIC provides a forum for the exchange of ideas on regional research priorities and a platform for public-private collaboration to address them. Its members also work together to bring new research activities and initiatives to the region, while analytical reports and forums frame and address key issues. External partners look to BASIC as an authoritative resource. Its unique public-private membership enables the Bay Area to speak with one voice on science and its importance to the economy, transcending the perspective of any one company, institution, or industry.
BASIC is about innovation

BASIC is led by a Board composed of research leaders at the region’s universities and national laboratories, plus CTOs and lab directors at many of its leading technology companies. BASIC Advisers, a committee of non-research-based companies with an interest in science and technology, interacts with the Board, providing further perspective and insight.
The Bay Area Council Economic Institute provides BASIC’s management and support, and the Bay Area Council’s policy team connects its initiatives to the regional business community and policy leaders in Sacramento and Washington. Together, they work with BASIC to support economic growth and competitiveness by advancing the Bay Area’s leadership in science, technology, and innovation.