

Healthcare Jobs Are the New Manufacturing Jobs

The presidential election focused on the disappearance of manufacturing jobs in the United States as well as the move to repeal the Affordable Care Act, which if it does nothing else, will dramatically decrease the …


Institute Insights

Institute Welcomes New Chair The Bay Area Council Economic Institute is happy to announce the appointment of Kausik Rajgopal to Chair of the Institute’s Board of Trustees. Kausik is Senior Partner and West Coast Regional …


Bay Area Job Watch

The California Employment Development Department (EDD) has released job and labor force estimates for October 2016. Here are the highlights Possibly the most impressive statistic in the October report is the continuing strong increase in …


Bay Area Job Watch

The California Employment Development Department (EDD) has released job and labor force estimates for September 2016. Here are the highlights: Possibly the most impressive statistic in the September report is the continuing strong increase in …


Weinberg, Mehrens: Transportation Tax Pays Off Big Time, Study Says

By Micah Weinberg and Derecka Mehrens Published on 9/29/2016 This piece originally appeared in The Mercury News Santa Clara County voters have a once in a generation opportunity in November to support essential investments in …


Bay Area Job Watch

The California Employment Development Department (EDD) has released job estimates for August 2016. Here are the highlights: Year over year growth slowing, but still strong The region added 101,800 jobs between August 2015 and 2016 …


The Bay Area’s GDP Growth Lands it Among the Nation’s Top Economies

This month, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis released 2015 GDP estimates for metropolitan areas in the nation. An analysis by Stephen Levy from the Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy found that …


Transportation Plans Stymied

By Sean Randolph and Mark Pisano Published on 9/19/2016 This piece originally appeared in the Capitol Weekly They blew it. Fifteen months ago, Governor Brown called the Legislature into special session to find new ways …


Bay Area Job Watch

The California Employment Development Department (EDD) has released job estimates for June 2016. Here are the highlights: Year over year growth slowing but still strong The region added 104,100 jobs between July 2015 and 2016 …


Institute Insights

Another Inconvenient Truth? The Institute is releasing Another Inconvenient Truth: To Achieve Climate Change Goals, California Must Remove Barriers to Sustainable Land Use This report examines the intersection of environmental and housing policy and highlights the importance of building sustainable communities …


Bay Area Job Watch

The California Employment Development Department (EDD) has released job estimates for June 2016. Here are the highlights: Bay Area Job Growth Rebounds From Slow May Job Growth The region added 121,500 jobs between June 2015 …


How will ‘Brexit’ Impact the Bay Area?

Institute Senior Director Sean Randolph offers initial analysis of the historic vote in Britain to exit the European Union and its impact on the Bay Area economically. The full implications of Britain’s decision to leave …